Animals: Nope
Quotes: “Hardees
should have a Robin Thickburger with a douchebag in it.”
SIARPC: Sasquatchemo
Woke up and went straight back to the Stray Dog Hash House and then back to the antique mall. I figured since we had the awesome city of
New Orleans ahead of us we’d get on the road quickly, but that was erroneous.
Doesn’t someone holy say that expectations lead to suffering? Well,
expectations of timely departures has certainly never made me any happier. So I went
walking. I found the Old City Cemetery where they had buried victims of Yellow
Fever. I think this is a good time to talk about the architecture and culture
of the city. In a nutshell it’s very similar to New Orleans. Lots of balconies atop beautiful
wrought-iron backed by weathered brick buildings. The feel of French
influence although I don’t know if that’s actually accurate. I was told that
there is an ongoing disagreement between Mobile and NOLA about who really
started the Mardi Gras celebrations. Regardless they take it seriously in
Mobile too. It’s seems a wonderful, quiet town, like the kind of town if
someday I wanted to be the next John Grisham or Flannery O’Connor, I’d spend my
winters there sitting in the parks, practicing my declarative sentences while
wearing a slouch hat and plaid pants. I think I would hate to be there during
the beads and frat bullshit that follows Mardi Gras like a plague.
So back to the cemetery. There were lots of raised graves
and a few tombs once again reminiscent of New Orleans. It was smaller, humbler
in scale, and in such a state of gentle but very real decline that what with
the old, heavy, flowering trees and overgrown grass, it felt more gothic than
the big touristy cemeteries down the coast. I was the only one there other than
the man with a rolling suitcase relieving himself off in the corner. I kept
walking, my feet hurting so much that I would go from bench to bench just to
give them some relief. I decided to go into the huge Catholic Church called saint
something or other, right next to one of the innumerable squares that pop up
every couple of blocks in Mobile.* I don't know, I'm sure it's on the internet. It was just stunning inside, the ceiling a
beautiful red and gold pattern, really outstanding stained glass windows, and a
tasteful floating touchdown Jesus above the altar. I sat in the cool gloom and
prayed for the strength to accept that which I cannot hurry.
I was able to squeeze in a quick visit to the Center for the
Living Arts. A small, apparently non-collecting museum with just a few high-ceilinged
rooms that they use for big-scale exhibits. It only took about ten minutes to
go through but the exhibits were cool and modern.
And then we were off on the fairly short drive to NOLA. On
the way we spent a few minutes at the John C. Stennis Space Center – looked at
some rocket engines and bought some souvenirs. I mention this not because you
need to know everything we did but because I did not know they did rocket
testing there, or that there was space center. I mean that’s like finding out
you have a nipple on your back that produces enough force to reach escape
velocity. And candy.
I’m starting to feel self-conscious that I’m going into an
excruciating level of detail because I’ve got 15 hours riding in the van spread
over two days. I apologize. I’m my
own worst editor. I’m not going to stop mind you, I just feel bad about it.
We got to the city around 5:00 and the meat eaters, i.e.
everyone else, were going to some fancy place to get charred oysters, broiled
bivalves, and macerated mollusks. I shook my head sadly and thought to myself
with my mind of all the mercury they’d be ingesting. No one likes the
bearer of bad news however, so we’ll just let them assume the dementia and muscular
weakness had many contributing factors. New Orleans remains one of the best
food cities in the world for everyone but vegetarians. I had found a place that
served veggie red beans and rice in the French Market, so I strapped on my
goddamned Teva’s and started walk the mile and a half to the restaurant. Which
closed 15 minutes before I got there. Yeah, the French Market closes at 6:00, so
fuck me pretty much. While shuffling along in as defeated a pose as one can
have on a beautiful evening in New Orleans, I stumbled upon the 14th
Annual Satchmo Summer Fest and saw that it was free, and that the Dirty Dozen
Brass Band was about to go on. Boom. A block away I found that savior of the
righteous, a Mediterranean restaurant. Not exactly classic NOLA fare but well
done. Plus, all the employees were wearing “Free Pakistan” shirts that said, “We
Stand With Gaza” on the back, which seemed like an unusually political stance
for a business in the tourist district. I saw two of them running in and out of
the restaurant and not seemingly engaged in restaurant activity when I saw they
were either selling or giving away the same t-shirts from out of a mini-van
parked out front. The van can be a bubble no doubt. It's too easy to forget there's a real world going on outside of it.
The DDBB were phenomenal. I sat on a curb, drank an Abita,
watched people dance and hang on the fence so they could see the band, the older locals in their lawn chairs eating plates with a mess of greens and beans on it, and just felt pretty
damned grateful. I started the long walk back and wondered about the balance
New Orleans has to strike between the money and energy all the visitors bring
with the sheer numbers of them packed into a relatively small space, and all the weekend warriors who treat it like the first floor of their frat
house. There’s got to be a little bittersweetness thrown in there, because there really is a kind of magic in the light down there. It's a town like no other.
*It’s one of the town’s best features.
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