Animals: Long-billed Curlew, Western Kingbird, Eurasian Collared-Dove
Quotes: “Fuck you
Summer Santa.” – Santa should not wear a Hawaiian shirt and we should never
ever see his feet.
Today’s drive to Denver seemed to take forever. As we moved
northward New Mexico became and interesting combination of desert colors with
increasingly green trees and foothills. It’s quite pretty, and John told us
that we were at the same general latitude as the Smokey Mountains, of which he
is very familiar. There really doesn’t seem to be a lot of people out this way.
When we stopped for gas it involved 3 mile drives to the only gas station in
town. I saw more than a few shacks, although often with an adobe core, and
mobile homes. In many ways the region bore a striking similarity to Kentucky
Appalachia, although much less leafy. The people were largely Hispanic, but all
had a weathered outdoor appearance with functional cowboy hats and dusty pick
up trucks. Both times we stopped out here I felt very comfortable. Less
taciturn than their Montana brethren we struck up casual conversations easily.
We also tried something called a Peanut Patty, which was like a praline formed
out of a pink urinal cake. No one could finish their broken off piece. Goodness.
We got to the Denver neighborhood of South Broadway (SOBO)
after the stores had closed but still with a little light in the sky. The club was called 3 Kings and it
was a rock club formed after the classic model. The green room was wallpapered
in promo pictures from ‘90’s bands and then covered in nice patina of stickers from bands who never had a promo picture.
The green room had a ramp on either side that led to a wide, comfortable stage.
The men’s room had a pee trough that smelled like Calcutta in summer but the
club had an admirable collection of pinball machines and even a vintage Tron
game. Which was totally awesome. The DJ was dressed like a clothed Bettie Page
and the beer selection was local. I liked it. The opening band never showed up. We have no
idea what happened. So we went on a little early and played to a medium sized
crowd. They were enthusiastic, but just like last time the energy is different
here. I’ve tried to come up with some description but cannot. The exchange of
energy between band and audience is a very real thing and ultimately unique
every night. The best I can say is that it was kind of like having dinner with
a family who doesn’t speak the same language but are kind and accommodating.
Then there was the added factor of an ex-pat Cincinnati dude who said his band
had opened up for us way back in the day (“I learned to play listening to you
guys.”) who had applied alcohol to his memories and frequently did a dance that involved
hurling his body to the ground and sliding across the floor. He also tried to
start up a mosh pit which is ridiculous at our concerts or in any year that's not the 1990's. When he slammed into a
women who wanted to get near the stage for the last song I had to go into
teacher mode, give him the hand, and tell him to simmer down. He was a nice
kid, just shit-faced.
The club was happy with the turn out for a Tuesday and asked
us back, so I guess it went OK.
Tomorrow is Travel Day #7
Really enjoy your blog. Also enjoyed the L.A. Phoenix shows. Thanks for being kind on the kid. In Phoenix I was sitting in back doing some smashmouth headbanging to Rainbows. Even did a mild pogo here and there with Caryn. So a mosh pit isn't that far fetched. Pits are (or should be) based on passion not fashion. Hope to see you guys again soon. Great stuff! Enjoy your time off.